Thursday, March 03, 2005

De todo un poco....y de lo poco todo

La vida no espera por uno...ella sigue por ahi, y cuando te das cuentas ya casi se esta acabando.

Y no es que me sienta viejo, soy joven y falta mucho por recorrer, es que estas semanas
he visto a mi alrededor y he recordado mucho el pasado...y me doy cuenta que el pasado es mas extenso de lo que recordaba y eso me hizo sentir extraño.

Extraño por el mero hecho de que hoy estoy en un momento que siempre soñe estar, recuerdo cuando yo era pequeño fantasear constantmente en que era "grande" y poder tomar mis propias decisiones y tener mi propio espacio. Recuerdo ver repetidas veces ver la pelicula "Big", donde el protagonista pedia ser grande y se dormia, para al otro dia, despertar con 30 años de edad pero con su misma mentalidad.

Hoy, ya tengo 25 ( y pronto 26) pero mi mentalidad no se quedo como la del protagonista de "Big", la misma ha crecido conmigo, soy un joven con un bachillerato y soy parte de la fuerza de trabajo asalariada de mi pais. Me gusta mi trabajo y con lo que gano pago renta, pago luz y pago cable.
Ahora vivo en el area metro y tengo carro. Tengo deudas y varias tarjetas de credito de mega tiendas, cuentas de banco, celular. Una computadora, varios toca CD , un mp3 player con la musica que me gusta, Un DVD, muchas peliculas que me encantan. Tengo sueños, metas y ganas de terminar una maestria que por ahora he dejado.
Tengo ganas de ser mas de lo que soy. Me jode la mitad de las situaciones politicas del 80% del mundo. Tengo ideales y los defiendo. Teorizo, analizao leo y a otra veces me desconecto de la realidad como cualquier otro. Todavia juego videojuegos y leo sobre ellos. De vez en cuando regreso a mi casa (que es de mis padres queridos en realiada) y paso tiempo con ellos. Tengo un hermano menor que me hace sentir orgulloso por su intelegiencia y sentido comun. Tengo una novia que me adora y se preocupa por mi. Tengo alguien conque comparto el lugar donde vivo y es buena persona. Tengo muchos amigos y entre ellos una amiga que antes fue mi novia y que todavia soporta la amistad (aunque no fue facil llegar aqui).

Esa, por encima, es mi vida, mia, jamas la soñe cuando era chico, solo queria estar en aquel entonces en la posicion que estoy ahora, pero jamas imagine que tendria todas estas cosas y otras mas ( y que me faltaran otras muchas).

En parte soy feliz , pero otra parte me recuerda que todo esto que he escrito aqui, podria ser la vida de cualquier otro individuo. Que aunque todo esto me hace a MI, variaciones de lo mismo hacen a otras personas.

Por eso digo que la vida sigue por ahi, no le pide permiso a nadie..por que todas estas cosas han llegado...y punto...como le llegan o no le llegan a otros...y seguira la cosa por ahi..y un dia mas adelante estare escribiendo algo similar a esto...y mas adelante morire....y solo quedara el recuerdo de las cosas en las personas que vivieron junto a mi...y de ahi en adelante...el ciclo se repitira con otras personas, en otras epocas...y la vida continua...y uno termina....

De todo un poco , demostrando que uno es un poco de todo y de ese todo nos toca solo un poco...

y les soy sincero, eso lo encuentro hermoso...

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

You Know You're Addicted to Alias When...

At every fast food joint you go to, you order "the special, no pickles" regardless of the fact that you LIKE pickles.

You believe wearing a colorful wig and tight clothing can help you get away with anything.

You check the sides of old book pages for Russian characters.

Every time you see a black Mercedes, it reminds you of Sark.

You notice every Ford Focus on the road.

You use the phrase "There are just so many problems with this..." at every possible opportunity.

You have suspicions that your spouse may actually be a double.

Your non- Alias obsessed friends (like you have any of those left! Hah!) refuse to talk to you about Italians, prophecies, pickles, wigs, parent/daughter relationships, spies or anything else that might lead to a discussion about Alias.

You actually BUY a blue Ford Focus. (With gold rims, of course)

You wonder if Sark actually could be Irina's son.

You develop opinions and theories about this and other unanswered facets of the show, and spend a large amount of time formulating arguments for both sides of the debate...

The main question you ask yourself shopping is "Would Sydney wear something like this?"

You have seen every episode. Ever. More than 5 times a piece.

You went to see Daredevil just for Jennifer Garner.

You flip out when you see Michael Vartan in One Hour Photo married to someone else.

The mention of weddings, rings, or two years just gets you incredibly ticked off.

After getting a bad grade on a paper you tell your friend about your professor saying "legally he's right, ethically he's an ass."

If the topic of TV shows comes up, you automatically ask the person "Do you watch Alias?" and if they say they've never heard of it... you immediately end the conversation.

You hear the songs played in the show.. and you instinctively listen for the lines of the characters.. and know precisely when their lines occurred in the song.

Your history teacher mentions something about the KGB.. and you suddenly think "Irina?"

You have a codename that people actually call you by.

You think having no first name is a perfectly acceptable thing.

Old Asian men in wheelchairs creep you out.

You will never view epoxy in the same way again.

You find yourself trying to find good, compelling reasons to sway your significant other that your next child/pet should be named "Irina" or "Sydney."

You feel aggravated and insulted when you watch the episode of "Frasier" where Victor Garber plays Dr. Crane's British butler. ("Years of agent training and experience, wasted...")

You feel a strange urge to bite Mike Tyson's ear off every time you think of "Jimmy Kimmel Live."

Whenever you hear a truly interesting song, you immediately think of how that song would fit into a scene from Alias.

You find yourself criticizing the REAL CIA based solely on your knowledge of Alias.

You think Jerry Springer's guests have boring, uncomplicated family/friend relationships and easy, simple-to-fix personal problems.

You become incredibly irritated when people say, "That girl Sydney, doesn't she really report to someone else?" and can tell them exactly how many episodes behind the times they are.

You begin fantasizing about planting listening devices on your significant other's work clothes, just to see if you can find anything exciting/spy-worthy.

You know what J/I, S/V, S/W, Sarkney, Slark, slash, and shipper are, and have opinions on all of them.

Every time you hear the Nokia ringtone, you get excited even though there's no way it could be Vaughn.

You look for air vents you could crawl into incase of an emergency.

On Monday morning instead of saying "hello" to your friend you just say "Did you SEE VAUGHN'S BOXERS???"

The only people you have on your AIM buddy list are people you've met through Alias

When you begin to doze off in history class and only snap back to attention when the teacher uses the words "Alliance" or "Covenant."

You record every episode, then go out and buy the DVDs as well.

You dream about Irina Derevko at least once a week.

Sweiss does not sound like a candy bar to you

You assume that anyone who wears dark eyeliner is evil.

You meet a nice person and immediately become suspicious of their motives.

You constantly try to figure out ways to get Jack and Irina back together.

You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends who are addicted to Alias.

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